training for women


I love giving during the holidays but I like to support my clients in their goals by giving them things to support the lifestyle they have worked so hard for. Instead of the cookies, chocolates, or other treats take a closer look at some other ideas to support your family and friends to be healthy and fit also. I promise they will truly appreciate you thinking about their Massage:
It’s not considered just an indulgent to get massages anymore. It’s about taking care of yourself and giving your body what it needs to relax or work out those tight muscles. This is a perfect gift for someone who is over-stressed.

Workout Clothes or shoes:
Everyone that workouts at a gym or does outdoor sports need the proper clothing. This is a perfect gift to support someones fitness regimen.

Workout Equipment:
If you know someone that likes to workout at home or isn’t comfortable going to the gym workout equipment is perfect to support their goals. Think exercise balls, hand held weights, bands or yoga mats with a yoga video.

Gym Membership:
Has your loved one always wanted a gym membership. The gym is the perfect place for support, classes, expert advice and learning about nutrition and fitness.

Personal Trainer:
Do you know someone that wants to learn how to weight train to change body composition but doesn’t know where to start. Hiring them a personal trainer to get them started by showing them proper form and techniques would be perfect. Individualized instruction will give them the confidence they need to do it on their own.

Healthy Food Basket:
Giving a basket filled with fresh, delicious fruits is a blessing to so many this season who are tired of being tempted with all the sugary treats. I hope you enjoy and have a happy, healthy holiday!


Body sculpting is the process of increasing muscle and bone strength through weight lifting. Weight training is the combination of machines, weight bars, exercise bands, and dumbbells.

If you are going to weight train to sculpt your body here is some information you might need to know:

Women TraininG

●      How will weight lifting benefit you: Lifting weight is extremely important since it keeps you strong as you age, helps keep bone health and preventing osteoporosis. It increases muscle mass which is important as we age by preventing falls and broken hips. Besides all those important reasons most women want to feel better in their own skin and maybe fit into that bikini again. Feeling good about the way you look lifts confidence and gives you the power to create the life you desire.

●      Preventing fatigue during your workout: It’s very important to fuel your body so you have the strength to complete a workout. Therefore, always have a meal with protein, carbs and veggies at least a hour beforehand. There is nothing worse than having your blood sugar drop during a workout and not being able to complete it. Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give the body what it needs to recover, lean up and build muscle. 

●      Facts of a good personal trainer: Your personal trainer should make sure you start at your own level and progress from there. He/she should also talk and instruct you through proper form and technique. As you increase strength your trainer should push you to that next level so you continue to improve, build and therefore, body sculpt.

●      Best tips for the beginners: Always do an active warmup before weight training. For instance, do 5-10 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical. As a beginner always start with a whole body workout for 3-4 weeks to get your joints strong and ready for weight resistance. After your workout is the best time to do static stretching for 10-15 minutes. Always hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Woman doing pushups.png

Taking the time to prep all your meals once a week will ensure you are getting the calories your body needs to fuel, recover and body sculpt. Support all the hard work you are doing in the gym with a nutritionally structured meal plan. Eating every 3 – 4 hours will help balance blood sugar, keep body full, help build muscle, and avoid binging. If you are not prepping your meals ahead of time there is no way you can stay on a structured plan and give your body what it needs to build and lean up at the same time. 

Meat and veggies

What are the best foods for sculpting your body? Whole foods in it's natural form will always be best. Protein such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef supply the body with the protein it needs to build and tone muscle. Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body. It serves the body by building and supporting the growth of tissues and molecules that help both structural and functional purposes. Carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, yams, quinoa and oats supply the body with energy and aids in recovery. Green veggies are important for fiber, they supply the body with vitamins and minerals, and fight off disease. Fats such as nuts, avocados and nut oils help with brain and joint health, helps you feel satisfied and also fights off cravings. 

Here are a few great sources you might consider:

●      Dark Turkey Meat: Dark turkey meat is enrich in zinc which helps boosting beauty and also gives new energy for performing physical activities. Moreover, it also helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.

●      Salmon: Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fat that lower your risk of heart disease. It is an excellent source of vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D and selenium. 

●      Prawns: Prawns are very low in calories, high in protein and consists of a mineral called selenium which is an antioxidant. It assist in maintaining thyroid health and the body's immune system. 

●      Eggs: Whole eggs are good source of the good fats omega 3 fatty acids. Whole eggs are a good source of vitamins B12, B2, B5, A, Folate, Phosphorus and Selenium. Eggs raise HDL good cholesterol. They are high in quality protein and all the essential amino acids. 

●      Lean Beef: Lean beef helps in increasing protein level in the body and provides iron to the bones. Lean beef is a good source of B vitamins, zinc, selenium and Iron.

●      Spinach: Spinach is a great source of magnesium, iron, B2 and B6, folate, Vitamin K, E & A, calcium and potassium. Spinach helps in making collagen in the body. Basically, collagen is a rubbery protein, which makes muscles and skin toned, youthful and gives it a great appearance. The fact is that this is also enriched with fiber which will help you stay satified.

●      Kale: This food is very low in calories but provides many health benefits such as, it is high in iron, and vitamin K. It is filled with powerful antioxidants and is a great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against asthma, arthritis, and autoimmune disorder.

●      Beetroot: This is very powerful antioxidant and just like other vitamins and minerals this gives great impact to skin by giving it a youthful look. This also prevents skin from being damage.

●      Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a nutrient-dense superfood that offers many benefits. They help protect and maintain healthy blood pressure, and reduces blood glucose. Tomatoes also contain key carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. These protect the eyes against light damage.

The body will always thrive on a structured plan and therefore create the best results faster. The body will continue to improve everyday if you are consistent with meal planning and weight training. 

The Benefits of Weight Training For Women

Exercising is extremely important for women, because the benefits far outweigh any other form of long-term weight-loss or ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Weight training reason #1: Loss of body fat and increased muscle. Lean muscle increased metabolism, which in return keeps you lean.

Weight training reason #2: Decreases the risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone density.

Weight training reason #3: Helps you gain strength so you can stay active for a better quality of life.

Weight training reason #4: A strong body helps reduce the risk of injury and/or falls later in life. 

Weight training reason #5: Strengthens core and back to help reduce back pain and improves posture. A strong back helps keep shoulders back for proper posture as your age. 

Weight training reason #6: Research shows it can reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Research also indicates that weight training may reduces the risk of diabetes because it improves the way the body processes sugar, according to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, of William Beaumont Hospital.

Weight training reason #7: Improves attitude, mood and reduces stress and depression.

Regular workouts are beneficial for your body in many ways and should be a part of your daily routine. Before you start exercising, it is essential to make a workout plan and choose workouts that are appropriate for your level. However, many women don’t have a slightest idea, which exercises to choose, and how to perform them.

Below are some example exercise programs that include all the main body parts. These are simple exercises that you can do at home, while on a vacation or with friends, basically anywhere. But, before you start any training program, make sure you do an active warm up for 5-10 minutes and always check with your doctor before starting any new workout program.


Next to six-pack abs, one of the most attractive body parts is the arms. Being a workout pro or a beginner, it is that muscle group that almost every woman wants to perfect. There are many arm exercises that are great for both biceps and triceps. One of them is the exercise called standing bicep curls. In order to do this exercise you should choose a band, d-bells or barbell where you can get 12-15 reps with each set. All you have to do is stand with a band under both feet, keep knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, grip the handles and start doing a bicep curl. Squeeze your biceps and then lower holding the resistance for a count of three, repeat 12-15 times. After incorporating this arm exercise into your workout routine, you’ll be able to see a difference. 

Back and Chest

A strong and firm back creates beautiful posture. Who wouldn’t want that? With a few simple back and chest exercises, you’ll no longer be dreaming of it. An exercise called sitting rows will help you acquire that. All you have to do is sit on the floor with your legs straight, core tight and chest lifted. Grip the handles and start doing a row. You should keep the elbows close to the body for a better effect and repeat the exercise 12-15 times. For a beautiful and firm chest you can do an exercise that involves pushups on feet or knees. 


Want to take your shoulders to the next level? An exercise called Upright Rows will help you with that. The instructions are very clear and straightforward. Stand with the band under both feet, with your knees slightly bent, core tight and chest lifted. Then, cross the bands so you are holding them in opposite hands. Start doing an upright row by lifting with elbows first. Remember to bring the elbows to shoulder height so there is no shoulder impingement. You should repeat the exercise 12-15 times with every set.

Legs & Booty

Great legs and booty are the essence of a perfect physique. If you’ve been struggling to find an appropriate exercise for legs, here’s a perfect one. It’s called Squatted Band Walks and all you have to do is sit back on your heels in a squat position, keeping your chest lifted. With the left side being first, take a big step out to the side. Keeping the resistance tight in the band, continue until you reach 15-20 reps and then change the direction. So simple and yet so efficient!



Oh, the abs. You don’t have to work your abs to exhaustion before you can carve out your abs. Instead, you can try out a few simple exercises that will get your abs to pop. There’s a really great one with a 6-8 lb. medicine ball and it goes like this – lie on the floor face up, put the ball between your legs. Bring your legs up meeting your hands and reach with the ball in your hands overhead while the legs go back down to the floor. You will find this exercise will do miracles!

Keeping your body fit can be challenging sometimes. However, these few simple exercises will help you get the physique you always wanted. You can even make an exercise plan and perform these body part workouts in 4 separate days. Grab a medicine ball, band, d-bells or barbell, always remember to warm up and you’re ready for some action. Your body will thank you later.

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you



You know the kind of people who always seem to have boundless amounts of energy? Those who glow with vivaciousness? Those kinds of people have a few behavior habits in common that help them stay on top of their energetic game. It can be easy to assume they were born that way, and some were, but others have to work for high energy levels; for that beautiful breezy blush. Here are the secrets to putting an extra spring in your step (or another rep in your set!)

  1. Drink Your Water - Our bodies are made up of 55% water (or more based on gender) which is why it’s essential to hydrate. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. And, one of those bodily functions is how energetic you look and feel. Some tricks to drink more water include: carry a gallon of water with you wherever you go. Invest in one of those fancy water bottles that automatically monitors how much you’ve had to drink that day. Find a water bottle with a motivational saying on it and bring it with you wherever you go.

  2. Eat Regular Meals - Skipping a meal means not fueling your body to perform at optimum energy levels. Additionally, it slows down your metabolism which encourages your body to gain extra weight. Some tricks to make every meal include: taking your food with you in tupperware wherever you go.

  3. Get Enough Sleep - Falling short on your sleep goals spells exhaustion, mind fog, and more the next day. Being vivacious isn’t easy if you’re continually running off of only a few hours of sleep a night. Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it with regularity to feel more energized on the daily. Tips to get more sleep include: setting an alarm on your phone for bedtime and having a rule no TV or computer pasted 9:00pm.

  4. Stay Positive - Laughter is the best medicine! No, really, it creates national endorphins that help your mood. But, we can’t be laughing all the time, and life can throw some serious curve balls. Learning how to keep our head above water is a wonderful life skill to hone. So to keep up with a positive attitude here are a few tips: write down positive affirmations, spend time with positive people, laugh more, and listen to positive music.

  5. They set realistic expectations with themselves and others - You’re going to feel totally drained if you’re continually trying to meet expectations that are above your capabilities or that you plain just don’t want to. Or, that aren’t fair to you that others have demanded. Say “no” to unrealistic expectations and “yes” to your own health. Say “yes” to giving yourself permission for stillness that empowers your soul.