staying young

The 5 Things I Do Every Weekend to Stay Healthy All Week

Staying healthy all week takes some planning, and what I’ve learned is that if I don’t have a plan and schedule the whole week goes haywire. One of my favorite quotes that I find so true is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Benjamin Franklin. I want to be successful in my health journey and I’m sure you do too, so let’s make a plan. Here I talk about the 5 things I do every weekend to ensure my success for the week.

1. Routine

Routine is everything because the body strives on regularity and structure, especially if your main goal is weight loss. If you have a structured schedule on weekdays and then everything goes haywire on the weekend your body will pay for it. For instance, if you are eating healthy planned meals during the week and then you go crazy on fast food, sugar, and alcohol on the weekend you will wake up Monday morning feeling sick and 3-4 pounds heavier than the week before. Talk about making yourself feel bad. To avoid this, think of how you want to feel on Monday morning, and what steps you need to take to create that good feeling, and then do that!

If you want success with your weight loss and to wake up Monday morning with a flat tummy with no weight gain follow your same structure as you do during the week. Some examples are, eat at the same times on the weekend as you do during the week, stay hydrated and drink all your water, get 8 or more hours of sleep and if you missed any of your workouts during the week make sure to get it in on the weekend. I’ve been doing this for many years and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that “winners are made on the weekend”.

2. Meal Planning and Shopping for The Week

Every Saturday I plan my meals for the next week, make a grocery list and head to the store. I like to shop at Costco for the most part since I can buy in bulk and save money. It’s important to buy organic veggies, fruit, and meat since these are free from pesticides and added hormones our bodies should not be consuming. If you have a local farmers market get your fruit and veggies there. Strive to get fresh foods that are in season. If possible buy local eggs, meats, such as chicken, pork, and beef.

3. Advance Prep for The Week

When I return from the grocery store I clean, cut, and measure out the veggies, and make my salads for the entire week. I have individual containers for salads and meals. If I have time on Saturday I will cook all my meat and/or recipes and divide them up into their individual containers with the veggies and carbs. It works best if I shop on Saturday and cook everything on Sunday. If you are working an 8 to 5 job you will want to have your meals ready and with you all day. Having your food with you and eating on a regular schedule will avoid blood sugars from dropping so you don’t eat unhealthy fast foods that put on weight.

4. Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before

Sunday evenings I make sure my gym bag has everything I need for my Monday workout. I keep certain things in my bag at all times such as toiletries. I always have my headphones in my bag and charged up every weekend. I have my workout gloves and straps in my gym bag at all times. I put out my workout pants, top, shoes and socks so I don’t have to think about it the next morning. It’s there ready for me to put on and head out the door. Or if you are heading to the gym after work you’ll have your gym bag packed and waiting in your car, no excuses, you’ve already planned for it.

5. Gym Schedule

I always have my workout times scheduled on my calendar. Every Sunday I look it over to make sure there is nothing that will get in the way of my workouts for the week. If it’s on your schedule you can arrange everything else around it. If someone wants you to comment to something else during that time simply tell them you don’t have that time available and inform them of another time you do have available. Don’t let others dictate your schedule.

Final word, these five simple things I do every weekend might seem basic but they are important for your success if you want to make progress. Most people fall off the wagon on the weekends and never hit their goals. Being and staying healthy is a lifestyle. Give it 100% for 21 days and I promise you will feel better than you have felt in years.