holiday workout

Holiday Workout Ideas for Women on the Go

‘Tis the season to feel frazzled! With the holidays come the stress and chaos of the season. And if you’re planning to hit the road to see family this year, you may wonder how you’ll ever be able to squeeze in a workout.

Whether you’re in a hotel room or stuck in bunkbeds at your mother-in-law’s house, I’ve got you covered. Check out these travel-friendly workout ideas that you can do anywhere.


Bodyweight Exercises

Skip the workout equipment and get back to basics with these bodyweight exercises that are perfect for on-the-go resistance training.

·      Upper Body and Core


You’re probably already familiar with both push-ups and side planks, so why not combine these two movements to pack a one-two punch for your upper body and core.

Simply do a push-up, then rotate onto your side and reach your arm up for a side plank. Back down into a push-up position and repeat. Modify as necessary. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps on each side.

·      Legs and Booty

It’s all about the squats when you’re trying to get a mega bang for your buck. This one bodyweight exercise hits several major muscle groups and can be done anywhere.

If you have enough space, lunges can also be a great option, and they boast a big lower-body impact as well.

For both of these exercises, do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps (per leg for lunges).

·      Cardio

You don’t have to be outside or in a gym to get in your cardio. If you’re stuck in a bedroom or hotel room, do intervals of jumping jacks, burpees, or mountain climbers to get your heart racing.

You can also combine any of the upper body, lower body, and core exercises I mentioned earlier into a HIIT type session to get both strength and cardio done in one workout.

·      Yoga

Yoga Stretch.png

If stress from holiday travel is bumming you out, namaste your way through it with yoga. There are plenty of quick and easy yoga sessions that you can stream anywhere to help you stretch, strengthen, and tone.

Get Active Outside

If you’re sick of being stuck in the house during your travels, bundle up and get outside. Taking full advantage of the outdoors is a great way to stay active.

Are you traveling to a snowy winter wonderland? Hit the slopes or visit an ice rink for some ice skating. Not your cup of tea? Go sledding! Believe me, lugging a sled up a hill will have your quads on fire (bonus points if you load your sled with kiddos first).

Final Thoughts

Don’t get put on the naughty list – commit to staying active even when you’re on-the-go this holiday season. Plus, squeezing in a few training sessions now will make jumping back into your fitness routine a breeze once the holidays are over.

Need more ideas on how to stay fit through the holiday season and beyond? I’d love to help you start the new year off stronger and sexier than ever! Let’s chat.