I am so proud of this amazing women Maryam! She committed to train with me twice a week, and learn new strategies for cardio and nutrition. In a short three months Maryam lost 17 pounds, 14 inches overall and 7.2% body fat. 

When someone is ready to make the commitment to change their health for the better it makes the journey so much easier and a lot more fun.

Ever since I was in high school, I’ve never really had much motivation to work out. I’ve never been very physically fit, but luckily I was able to get by with an average metabolism and an average build. Then after I realized that I was the heaviest I’ve ever been, I decided to join a gym and try and stay in shape. For two years, I worked out by myself and I barely lost a pound, doing just cardio and barely able to curl 5lb dumbbells (no exaggeration!).

Then I found Sandy. Sandy singlehandedly helped me lose over 7% body fat, over 15lbs, getting me to the lowest weight I’d been since I was 16. She helped me with the knowledge of how I should feed my body, and showed me the right way to lift weights.

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The amount of muscle I’ve gained since starting with Sandy still amazes me to this day, and as a full time student with a full time job (and a full time social life), I never would have gotten there without her structure, accountability and guidance. It’s not just a workout with Sandy, it’s a lifestyle; and I’m forever grateful that I found a trainer, and more importantly a close friendship, that will last a lifetime. Thanks Sandy and I can’t wait to step on the stage one day soon representing you!!
