Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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My beautiful client @mechelmybell just completed her one-year training program with me and WOW! What an amazing transformation! I’m so proud of her and feel honored to have had such a dedicated, focused, and determined client. That’s what it takes to make this kind of transformation!! 🎊👙🎊

Read below about her journey:

Today is bittersweet. I finished my last workout with @bodybysandy. Last July I challenged myself to do something I’ve never done before- get in the best shape of my life!

Last July my fiancé and I were sitting at a pool in Las Vegas and I was drooling over all the beautiful women in bikinis. I had this overwhelming feeling of desperation in my heart to change my body.. I looked at my fiance and said “I will do ANYTHING to have a body like that.” With a little help from google, we found @bodybysandy . This woman has changed my life, and my body and I’m so incredibly grateful for her, her knowledge, and the patience she’s had with me over these last 12 months.

If you’re like me, somebody who’s struggled with their weight, food, and body image, you know how scary it is to commit to making a change. Food has always been something I turn to regardless of my emotions. When I was happy and celebrating, I ate. When I was sad and lonely, I ate. When I was bored, I ate.

I’ve been fat-shamed on and off by men and women ever since I was a little girl. Setting a goal for myself and achieving it has me on a high I hope to never come down from. The confidence you gain in doing something like this is unexplainable. Everything in life happens for you, not to you- including a 90lb weight gain/loss.

At my heaviest, I was 222. I’m now 138. I was once a size 16 and I’m now a size 4.

B, thanks for being my biggest cheerleader.
From meal planning to working out with me and even consoling me on my down days when I was tempted to eat my feelings. You are my inspiration. You make me want to be a better person from the inside out. I love you. I couldn’t have done this without your unconditional love and support. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thanks for being my rock. 🥂 Cheers to setting and accomplishing anything and everything you put your mind to!