Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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Lisa’s Story: I was frustrated because I had low energy, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I felt like as I got older it was harder and harder for me to lose weight. I tried several other diets and would sometime lose a little weight but it always came back on. That’s when I found Sandy, and with her program, help, and support, I was able to stick to making the changes I needed with my nutrition, cardio, and workouts. The nutrition program was so easy for me to follow and I was never hungry. I couldn’t believe I could eat this much food and lose weight.

I love the variety I had on the training programs, and I still follow them today! I also did a few private personal training sessions with Sandy where she showed me some new exercises and techniques, which was so helpful!

One thing that helped motivate me the most was that I was meeting with Sandy every 3 weeks for pictures and measurements. The accountability and support kept me on track. It also helped that I was checking in with Sandy via email once a week with my weight. She always had words of encouragement and great advice. I’m now at my ideal weight and I feel amazing!! I’m so happy with my results, I love the way I look and feel, and my tummy is finally flat. Another thing I’m so grateful for is that I got my confidence back again and I’m going to keep going!


In 12 weeks Lisa lost 19 lbs, 12% body fat and 16 inches overall.