Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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Prior to joining Body by Sandy, I found myself deep in menopause and struggling with the added pounds that came with it. Additionally, we had covid and I had been going through many life changes which took away the ambition I needed to start exercising again. I really found myself in NOT a great place physically or mentally.

I saw Sandy’s website and was so impressed by her client’s outcomes as well as her own physical strength and vitality for life. I finally got the guts to call because I knew at that point it was going to be a do-or-die. Maybe not that dramatic but I had to go all in. After meeting with her the first time I still had some concerns about if I could do the program the way it needed to be done because I was mostly a vegetarian. I just decided something has to give and I signed up for 3x a week for 6 months which without any hesitation I extended for a year. I slowly started implementing meat back into my diet. I had to make a very concerted effort to eat meat. Not eating it was an ethical decision for me. My body started to recover. As I started to have more protein than carb-heavy meals I noticed I had more energy, a clearer mind, felt stronger, and didn’t appear as bloated and swollen.

I started the program confused, conflicted, and deflated. Sandy provided me with an amazing layout of supplements, nutrition for the week, and some customized daily affirmations. I geared up and knew I would have to have systems in place. I had never taken supplements in my life and between menopause, my A1C, depression, and lack of testosterone I felt like I was a walking zombie but she fixed all that!!!

Everyone has different reasons why they start working with a coach but for me, I wanted to learn how to take better care of myself, have someone hold me accountable, and also learn more about my aging body and how to make it stronger

It took a while to get my metabolism back on track. Through having the proper nutrition for my body, and the supplements that helped my energy so I could exercise and sleep, I found myself feeling like the old me again. My mind wasn’t as foggy and I looked forward to knowing that each time I worked out I was becoming stronger and healthier.

Sandy is amazing, She knows what our bodies need. I would have been lost without her support, knowledge guidance, and friendship. Often we find ourselves wanting to lose weight and we exercise or restrict our diets thinking that is what it takes. This is a science project and one that I absolutely needed Sandy’s help navigating.

My overall experience with Sandy was exactly what I needed. I learned new eating habits, how to fuel my body so I have more strength and vitality, the importance of vitamins and supplements, and how to love the journey as much as the destination. We often overlook ourselves in our daily habits but with our health that shouldn’t be the case. I had to slow down physically and mentally, implement systems and schedules that make it easy for me to take my supplements, and meals, and create a routine. I know my days spiral so getting up and working out first thing is a must for me as well as a healthy eating plan.

It will be hard, it will try you in ways you may not know but you will feel amazing and you will be so proud of yourself. Sandy is nothing but a fierce champion in your corner that will help you meet your goals whatever they may be. Now it’s time to go get it!!!

Becky lost 15 lbs, 6.5% body fat & 14 inches overall