Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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Where do I even begin to tell my story about working with Sandy? AMAZING! I’m 24 years old and have grown up as what I thought was an athlete. I played basketball and took it across country to play collegiate ball. In my mind I had been in shape and knew how to work out….boy was I wrong! I met a former client of Sandy Hancock who participated in bikini competitions and was instantly intrigued with her training and how amazing she looked. I took it upon myself to find Body By Sandy and meet this HOT trainer.

Sandy was so kind, experienced in the area and HONEST! Exactly what I was looking for. We discussed my problem areas that I thought I’d never rid myself of, a nutrition plan and exercise. I began my 14 week journey to my first competition. I’m not going to say it was easy but having Sandy as my cheerleader and mentor made all the difference in the world. Sept. 24, 2011 I stepped onto stage for the first time down 17 pounds, 18 inches and 8% body fat!!! I placed!! I couldn’t believe it, I had come so far!

Sandy was amazing when it came to teaching me posing and how to be graceful on stage. Learning to pose with Sandy was a blast, she knows her stuff. Two weeks later with my customized exercise and meal plan I placed 1st in my bikini height.  I’m so grateful to have met a woman who has a passion to help, guide and educate other females to become their best selves. I’m in the best shape of my life, I understand nutrition and taking care of my body better than I ever have. If you’re looking to improve yourself physically, train with Sandy Hancock! Love, Madison King

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